Long story short, I attended a seminar from one guy, Greg Secker from the United Kingdom. He calls himself a wealth coach due to his long term career in Forex Trading but no offense, the three hour session was nothing more than a marketing campaign for his trading company. He literally showed us on screen how he would make $40,000 in a span of 4minutes trading live, then after the session which my friends and I thought it would be a dinner of some sort (hahaha), his colleagues told us, to sign up for his trading mentor-ship, we would need to deposit $2,500 immediately which was part of a minimum fee of $8,000 for his coaching and training to be a successful trader using his platform. I was like, did you guys do your marketing research on how much an average Kenyan earns? Looking back after months of doing my research online and reading lots of trading books, that’s nothing but bullshit, yes I said it, bullshit. He was trying to sell us a Holy Grail in trading which doesn’t exist capitalizing on the fact that employment is slavery, well to some extent, it is. Anyway, because my three friends and I combined salaries could not even get to what he was asking for, we went back home, somewhat surprised but I was hyped up, no kidding, to think that someone can make such an amount of money in less than 4 minutes was intriguing.

That seminar ignited a spark in me, and the flame burns up until now, to this present moment. So a friend I had invited to the seminar, a lawyer by profession is very good at research and digging stuff online, he would forward me countless books about trading and then he mentioned www.babypips.com and Walla, that was a match made in heaven, more or less like a good first blind date. So, I was hooked, for close to two years now, all I did was market research and continuous intentional study of what trading entails, my favorite authors being Nassim Taleb, John Murphy, Kathy Lien and Alexander Elder among others. I started watching trading documentaries and movies, if you haven’t watched Wall Street Warriors, get that done when you find some time. I also started to demo trade, what that means to those of you who are new to trading is, opening up a practice trading account with virtual money, not real time cash so as to learn how the markets operate with a key focus on currencies otherwise known as Forex. I started reaching out to trading personalities online and listening to trading podcasts by Aaron Fifield, very resourceful, go to www.chatwithtraders.com, heck, I even formed a Skype network of local traders, we would meet every Tuesday and Thursday to discuss trading, who knew that would be the start of something good? Yes, I love Chris Daughtry too.

Today, Sylvia’s Trading Lounge is a platform that is geared to educate Forex Newbies and Enthusiasts on how to trade from the basics, whether or not you have prior trading experience or not. I have partnered with different contributors with real time trading experience, to offer a training package that is affordable to all whether you’re a student or working professional. Coming from Africa and bearing in mind our wage rates, we have factored in a considerate amount of fee which is reasonable. The rate card can be emailed to you upon request. Our mission is to educate, to impact a life skill that would empower you financially, hence our our charges are subsidized. After all, our revenues are not accrued from marketing and sales, rather from trading income. If interested, sign up or get in touch with us using the contact information on the Contact Us section of the blog.

Of key importance to your trading experience is the Forex Broker you sign up with, I highly recommend Swiss Brokerage Firm and City Credit Capital (UK) ltd , the sign up links are:


https://www.cccapital.co.uk/go/forexstl/ respectively.

For more information about the brokerage firm, check out the Partners Section. Now I know what to look out for when searching for a forex broker, and if I had the information prior to signing up with Big Options from the United Kingdom, I probably would have not signed up with them in the first place. The first thing you need to check out when doing your due diligence is whether or not the broker is regulated and by whom. Secondly, you need to ask about their leverage ratios, your ability to access your funds and make withdrawals and deposits, their customer service, if they’re available 24/7, markets don’t sleep, every day Monday through Friday, the London, New York and Asian Markets give us an opportunity to make money or lose it through Forex Trading with daily volatility averaging between 6 Trillion US Dollars. Forex being the most liquid financial markets globally.

The content of this blog will be based on real time trading experience from my contributors and I. Important to mention is my work in progress, my first book dabbed #222daysofforexeducation which I started working on it on 1st February 2017, every day, well on trading days, I share some educative post on forex trading, after all, the information is available online thanks to the internet, so I figured, why not educate the public on Forex Trading and reduce the ignorance associated with Forex myths that it’s nothing short of gambling. The book will be published and available for sale at a small fee by mid year 2018. I really hope this site educates and enlightens you matters trading, do enjoy the read. Cheers!

8 thoughts on “My Forex Journey Part 2

  1. Yeah, i remember Greg Secker at VISA OSHWAL with his very expensive HOLY GRAIL .. hahaha and some Kenyans bought it .. He is a SOLID CON .. Actually he made money in two ways, by selling his so called “HOLY GRAIL” and for every account opened at brokers he recommended he got a cut ..

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